
pydantic model asyncapi_container.containers.v3.simple_spec.SimpleSpecV3

Simplified version of AsyncAPI specification mapper. Doesn’t require to understand and use the whole asyncapi specification allowing focus only on producers and consumers.

  • arbitrary_types_allowed: bool = True

field info: Info = Info(title='My Project', version='0.0.1', description='')
field receives: Dict[str | BaseModel, List[Type[BaseModel]]] = {}

What your service can receive. Acting as consumer.

field sends: Dict[str | BaseModel, List[Type[BaseModel]]] = {}

What your service can send. Acting as producer.

class Config

Define pydantic model and include it inside a list sends or receives

from import Info
from asyncapi_container.containers.v3.simple_spec import SimpleSpecV3
from asyncapi_container.custom_types import RoutingMap
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field

class Customer(BaseModel):
    first_name: str = Field(..., title='First Name')
    last_name: str = Field(..., title='Last Name')
    email: str = Field(..., title='Email')
    country: str = Field(..., title='Country')
    zipcode: str = Field(..., title='Zipcode')
    city: str = Field(..., title='City')
    street: str = Field(..., title='Street')
    apartment: str = Field(..., title='Apartment')

class OrderSchemaV1(BaseModel):
    product_id: int = Field(..., title='Product Id')
    quantity: int = Field(..., title='Quantity')
    customer: Customer

class MySpecialServiceAsyncAPISpecV3(SimpleSpecV3):
    info: Info = Info(
        title="My special Service",
        description="Service for making orders"
    sends: RoutingMap = {
        "shop.orders.v1": [
    receives: RoutingMap = {}

